
A company in ASAERP represents your business entity or organization that utilizes the ASAERP system for its operations. Each company is configured as a separate entity within ASAERP and has its own set of data, including financial transactions, inventory, customers, suppliers, and other business-related information.

Creating a company in ASAERP is an essential step in setting up your ERP system to manage multiple organizations or entities. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a company in ASAERP:

Step 1: Access ASAERP

  • Log in to your ASAERP account using your username and password.

Step 2: Navigate to the Company Module

  • In the ASAERP dashboard, on the left sidebar, click on "Modules" to expand it.

  • From the expanded menu, select "Setup."

  • Under the "Setup" module, you'll find "Company." Click on "Company" to access the company creation page.

Step 3: Create a New Company

  • In the Company List, click the "New" button to create a new company.

Step 4: Fill in Company Details

  • You'll now be on the company creation page. Here's what you need to fill in:

    • Company Name: Enter the name of the company.

    • Abbreviation: Provide an abbreviation or acronym for the company, if desired.

    • Default Currency: Select the default currency for this company. This currency will be used for financial transactions.

    • Country: Choose the country where the company is located.

    • Company Type: Select the appropriate company type from the dropdown menu. Common options include "Company," "Supplier," "Customer," etc.

    • Industry: Specify the industry or sector to which the company belongs. This helps categorize the company for reporting and analysis.

    • Is Active: Check this box to indicate that the company is active. Uncheck it if the company is inactive or no longer operational.

    • Tax ID: Enter the tax identification number of the company, if applicable.

    • Fiscal Year: Set the fiscal year for financial reporting and taxation purposes.

    • Website: If the company has a website, provide the URL.

  • After filling in the required details, click the "Save" button.

Step 5: Additional Company Settings (Optional)

  • You can further customize the company by adding additional information, such as contact details, address information, and other relevant data. Click on the "More" button at the top right corner of the company creation page to access these settings.

Step 6: Save the Company

  • After configuring any additional settings, click the "Save" button again to save the company with all the details.

Step 7: Company Created

  • Congratulations! You've successfully created a company in ASAERP. You can now configure various settings, including chart of accounts, taxes, and more, specific to this company. Additionally, you can set up users and roles associated with this company.

Please note that the specific fields and options may vary depending on your ASAERP configuration and version. Consult your ASAERP documentation or administrators or consultant for any variations or additional settings you might need.



A company in ASAERP represents your business entity or organization that utilizes the ASAERP system for its operations. Each company is configured as a separate entity within ASAERP and has its own set of data, including financial transactions, inventory, customers, suppliers, and other business-related information.

Creating a company in ASAERP is an essential step in setting up your ERP system to manage multiple organizations or entities. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a company in ASAERP:

Step 1: Access ASAERP

  • Log in to your ASAERP account using your username and password.

Step 2: Navigate to the Company Module

  • In the ASAERP dashboard, on the left sidebar, click on "Modules" to expand it.

  • From the expanded menu, select "Setup."

  • Under the "Setup" module, you'll find "Company." Click on "Company" to access the company creation page.

Step 3: Create a New Company

  • In the Company List, click the "New" button to create a new company.

Step 4: Fill in Company Details

  • You'll now be on the company creation page. Here's what you need to fill in:

    • Company Name: Enter the name of the company.

    • Abbreviation: Provide an abbreviation or acronym for the company, if desired.

    • Default Currency: Select the default currency for this company. This currency will be used for financial transactions.

    • Country: Choose the country where the company is located.

    • Company Type: Select the appropriate company type from the dropdown menu. Common options include "Company," "Supplier," "Customer," etc.

    • Industry: Specify the industry or sector to which the company belongs. This helps categorize the company for reporting and analysis.

    • Is Active: Check this box to indicate that the company is active. Uncheck it if the company is inactive or no longer operational.

    • Tax ID: Enter the tax identification number of the company, if applicable.

    • Fiscal Year: Set the fiscal year for financial reporting and taxation purposes.

    • Website: If the company has a website, provide the URL.

  • After filling in the required details, click the "Save" button.

Step 5: Additional Company Settings (Optional)

  • You can further customize the company by adding additional information, such as contact details, address information, and other relevant data. Click on the "More" button at the top right corner of the company creation page to access these settings.

Step 6: Save the Company

  • After configuring any additional settings, click the "Save" button again to save the company with all the details.

Step 7: Company Created

  • Congratulations! You've successfully created a company in ASAERP. You can now configure various settings, including chart of accounts, taxes, and more, specific to this company. Additionally, you can set up users and roles associated with this company.

Please note that the specific fields and options may vary depending on your ASAERP configuration and version. Consult your ASAERP documentation or administrators or consultant for any variations or additional settings you might need.